The oratoryis dedicated to Santa Sabata, but more appropriately Santa Maria in Sabato (but also dedicated to the Saints Giovanni Nepomuceno and Francesco di Paola,both called upon against floods ), the most important saint of this region. Infact she is called upon almost exclusively in the area south of the line of theresurgence waters and especially to fight high temperature.
The oratorydates back to the Middle Ages, but has lost its original look because ofvarious renovations of the last century and has been partially embedded in thebuilding next to it. The pediment is triangular and has a four-sided peaksurmounted by a small pyramid. The main nave is rectangular with visible beams;the altar is located inside a small lower and narrower pointed space. On theleft side you can see two windows with pointed arches.
Fonte: Percorsi d'Arte, Storia ed Ambiente nel Comune di San Michele al Tagliamento
Progetto Co-finanziato dall'Unione Europea mediante il Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo regionale
Iniziativa comunitaria
Interreg IIIA Italia Slovenia 2000-2006
Asse 2 - misura 2.2 "Cooperazione trafrontaliera nel Turismo"
Codice Progetto: BBBVEN222448