Edificio del1905
This oratory is dedicated to San Filippo Neri. In the same place originally was the chapel next to the estate of the noble Mocenigo family. The mansion-house was established in 1648 by Monsignor Porro. Later the palace of the noblemen from Venice was demolished and so was the chapel dedicated to San Filippo Neri. The family Gasperi-Baggini wanted the present oratory, which was planned by Samueli from Latisana, built in 1905 and consecrated on 14th August of the same year. During the First World War all its furniture was stolen. The oratory was built in 1905 on the site of an older chapel dating back to the 16th century. It is located on the crossing of two roads and this building, together with the primary school, gives a structure to the village.
Fonte: Percorsi d'Arte, Storia ed Ambiente nel Comune di San Michele al Tagliamento
Progetto Co-finanziato dall'Unione Europea mediante il Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo regionale
Iniziativa comunitaria
Interreg IIIA Italia Slovenia 2000-2006
Asse 2 - misura 2.2 "Cooperazione trafrontaliera nel Turismo"
Codice Progetto: BBBVEN222448