This villa belonged to Giovanni Bottari, experimenter of agricultural cultivation, especially mulberry-tree.
He was born in Chioggia on 24th August 1758 andarrived first in Cesarolo, then in Latisana and finally in San Michele al Tagliamento.
He revolutionized the techniques of mulberry and vines cultivation and started planting damask roses under the mulberry-trees, asparagus, gooseberry, wheat, corn and vegetables.
In must working he showed open-mindedness and was willing to change the normal procedures of wine-makingand import new kinds of vines. (from Il Timent n.37).
The villa has long been abandoned; a part of the external ground has been built upon.
Fonte: Percorsi d'Arte, Storia ed Ambiente nel Comune di San Michele al Tagliamento
Progetto Co-finanziato dall'Unione Europea mediante il Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo regionale
Iniziativa comunitaria
Interreg IIIA Italia Slovenia 2000-2006
Asse 2 - misura 2.2 "Cooperazione trafrontaliera nel Turismo"
Codice Progetto: BBBVEN222448